Saturday 29 November 2008

First things first..

Now it's not that I want to get off on the wrong foot or be offensive plainly for the sake of interest, it's just one one things that truly deserves a brief, albeit derisive comment.

People; some you love and others not so much. The late 30's overweight, red faced, food guzzling chav that sits opposite me falls directly into the latter of these two camps. With no introduction or explanation required I'm an instant hater of his kind. The key to his rapid acceptance into this decreasingly exclusive group was neither the affront to taste he calls his attire, nor the greedy ugly manner in which he busily fingers and prods the contents of his plate into his mouth, but the intolerable snorting sound he makes in between the mouthfuls of gratis booty. The sound of a pig gorging itself, head buried deep within the trough, presumably having first removed it from his ass..

I don't ask for much when I sit in catering enjoying a quiet moment away from my place of work, but of the things I do ask for, having this odious fool nowhere near me is pretty darn high on the list..

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